The Piano Creatures: A Ragged Shore at CMAG
The Big Fish (Evangeline)
The Piano Creatures
Shells & cocoons
Others in the Piano Creatures' World
The Secret Cabal of Elders
Under My Bed puppets
Assorted props, costume elements and refurbishments
Big Scott Morrison puppet
Big Bill Shorten puppet
Big Barnaby Joyce puppet
'Real Big Malcolm' puppet
'Real Big Tony' puppet
Puppet Government puppets
Inca owl and tumi masks
Biami, the Wiradjuri creation story
Changing Places
Rock house
Rolling Home
Finger puppets: Gillard and Abbott
Mushroom King muppets
Origami shell
Officer Dan
Shelly the super snail
Ladybird glove puppet
The Burden of Stuff
Giant garden fork
Flotsam and Jetsam
Cross-section wheat seed
Pink feathery
Wendy shadow puppets
Rita the goat
Manta ray
Kenny Koala 2001-11
Giant Helicoverpa caterpillar
Pacific Schools Games bunyip
Fail Whale sculpture
Gran's Bag
Small props 2006 - 08
Drop bears
Federation skippet