Pemberley Gallery:
Early Island Icons: Pond and Calendar
Images © H.Talbot
The next bunch of icons, the Pond, Calendar, Help!, Seal, and Virtual Views continued the loosely 'pirate map' or 'castaway island' theme.

Drool pond (8.4.97)
The pond was taken from the famous scene in the 1995 Andrew Davies' 'Pride and Prejudice' adaptation where Darcy dives into the pond. He emerges attractively wet, and with shirt-tails hanging out he strides off through the buttercups, leaving women of all ages swooning. In the beginning, Pemberley was, as Amy describes it now, a 'wild flat fandom'. But after a while, the presence of children visiting the site prompted Amy and Myretta to spin off the out-and-out drooling over Colin Firth and Darcy to a separate board. The Pond drawing was first used for a little time as the header for that Drool Pond board. Later we reclaimed it to be used as the header for the P&P board at Pemberley. The drawing had a 'torn edge' look because it seemed a way to tie in the rather tenuous connection between the scene and the idea of the map. You can see various other playful versions of the pond elsewhere in this image gallery.

Calendar 1 (25.4.97) (not used) |

Calendar 2 (25.4.97)
I also used the torn edge for the first Calendar icon I tried, but we decided that the second, featuring scratches on a palm tree, was the stronger image. The 'FD" in the heart puzzled a few people, but most knew straight off it was for Fitzwilliam Darcy. The Calendar was a peripheral page where people's birthdays could be noted, and dates for group reads and virtual viewings of movies were scheduled.
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