Pemberley Image Gallery: Northanger Abbey: Learning to love a hyacinth
Images © H.Talbot

Hyacinth (5.03.00)
This graphic completed the group of six nick-named 'the botanicals', which were for the six novels and their respective discussion boards, and it was the last I made for Pemberley in the process that I had developed with Amy. I chose the hyacinth because it fitted the garden theme that seemed to have emerged across the novel boards, and because it seemed symbolic of much of what Northanger Abbey seems to be about:
"The mere habit of learning to love is the thing; and a teachableness of disposition in a young lady is a great blessing."
It's taken from the following charming scene where first Catherine says to Henry:
"What beautiful hyacinths! I have just learnt to love a hyacinth."
"And how might you learn? By accident or argument?"
"Your sister taught me; I cannot tell how. Mrs. Allen used to take pains, year after year, to make me like them; but I never could, till I saw them the other day in Milsom Street; I am naturally indifferent about flowers."
"But now you love a hyacinth. So much the better. You have gained a new source of enjoyment, and it is well to have as many holds upon happiness as possible. Besides, a taste for flowers is always desirable in your sex, as a means of getting you out of doors, and tempting you to more frequent exercise than you would otherwise take. And though the love of a hyacinth may be rather domestic, who can tell, the sentiment once raised, but you may in time come to love a rose?" -- Ch 22
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