Pemberley Image Gallery: Persuasion: Only Anne
Images © H.Talbot

Persuasion (8.9.97)

In Amy's framed format
The hazelnut was an idea taken from a favourite scene in Persuasion where Anne
overhears Wentworth comparing Louisa to a hazelnut that has weathered
everything. It relates to the cental question in the novel: how subject to different kinds of persuasion should people be? Of course Anne fits Wentworth's description much better than Louisa, but he hasn't realised yet.
'a beautiful glossy nut, which, blessed with original strength, has
outlived all the storms of autumn. Not a puncture, not a week spot any
where. - This nut,' he continued with playful solemnity, - while so many
of its bretheren have fallen and been trodden under foot, is still in
possession of all the happiness that a hazel-nut can be supposed capable
of.' Then, returning to his former earnest tone ; 'My first wish for
all, whom I am interested in, is that they should be firm. If Louisa
Musgrove would be beautiful and happy in her November of life, she will
cherish all her present powers of mind.'
Only Anne hears, sees, and fully understands all that happens around her, and, where appropriate, acts courageously. If you are interested in this interpretation, do try to get hold of a copy of Stuart Tave's wonderful book, 'Some Words of Jane Austen' (ISBN 0-226-79016-9, University of Chicago Press).
There are some spoof Persuasion graphics on the next page.
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