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King Jack, 2003
I was the show designer, and maker of masks and costumes in this production by Canberra Youth Theatre. King Jack was produced for Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, headlining their Spring Regeneration Festival which celebrated the re-opening of the reserve after the devastating bushfires in January 2003.
These masks were built by making a thin layer of papermache over a clay sculpture, and then stretching felt over the top. The felt was saturated in PVA glue first, so that it dried and stuck in shape. A papermache face mask was then built into the inside of the mask, so that the wearer's face fitted close into the right place. This technique makes for a pleasingly strong and lightweight mask.
King Jack
Birds - King Jack the Butcher bird, hero of the play.
King Jack
Birds - boobook owl
King Jack
Birds: swamp hen
King Jack
Birds: kookaburra
King Jack
The baddie monsters - bat
King Jack
The baddie monsters - wolf and bee
King Jack
The baddie monsters - eel and evil cat
King Jack
Kell, the chief baddie This mask is part papermache, and part foam, painted with latex.
King Jack
Kell's costume
King Jack
Kell's costume
King Jack
King Jack article
King Jack
King Jack article
King Jack
King Jack article
King Jack
King Jack review