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Insects , 2001
Large models of a sheep blowfly, Richmond Birdwing Butterfly and Leichhardt's Grasshopper, made for CSIRO Division of Entomology, ACT, in 2001, for their public displays.
Richmond Birdwing Butterfly model
The butterfly before the body covering and wings are added. The abdomen is styrene covered with latex and paint. The 'bugs' are th…
Richmond Birdwing Butterfly model
The underside of the male butterfly is vibrantly coloured.
Richmond Birdwing Butterfly model
From above the wings are plainer. The wingspan of the model is 1.3 metres.
Richmond Birdwing Butterfly model
The underside.
Sheep blowfly model
Model of the sheep blowfly Lucilia Cuprina. The body length is about 85cm.
Sheep blowfly model
The body is carved polystyrene, covered with latex and paint, while the wings are thin rigid plastic film covered with gauzy fabri…
Sheep blowfly model
Sheep blowfly model
Front view
Leichhardt's Grasshopper model
The model is polystyrene covered with latex and paint, and about a metre in length.
Leichhardt's Grasshopper Sheep blowfly model
Side view
Leichhardt's Grasshopper Sheep blowfly model
Front view