Skinny beer man
The four guys who prop up the bar, before they were covered with fabric.
Bogong moths
The Bogongs performing in Garema Place, Canberra. The silk-painted wings, and stilt leggings were made by other local artists.
Bogong moths
Robin Davidson and Danny Diesendorf trying out the bodysuits.
Bogong moths
One of the heads
Bogong moths
Back view of the body suit, with fur.
Bogong moths
Robin Davidson with one of the moth bodies.
Bogong moths
Moth body mahem
Bogong moths
Back view of the moth body suits.
Bogong moths
Side view of the moth body suits. They are hollow shells, shaped out of 25mm sheet foam.
Bogong moths
One of the moth heads in progress, and a maquette of the body.
Flowering bulb puppet
With a bee!
Flowering bulb puppet
With some earthworms
Snake glove puppet
Udo Foester and I made this snake glove puppet together. Andrew Grey is the puppeteer.
Snake glove puppet
Udo Foester and I made this snake glove puppet together. Andrew Grey is the puppeteer.
Platypus glove puppet
With Michael
Platypus glove puppet
The bill and webbing are cast latex.
Platypus glove puppet
Cockatoo glove puppet
Made by Udo Foester
George Lazenby (one of the actors who has played Bond) with Blofeld, (Ian Croker) and the cat at the CAPO Ball.
Glove puppet of the Persian cat belonging to James Bond's arch rival, Blofeld.