Pictures: The Lost Thing
Imogen Keen and I were the puppet makers for Jigsaw Theatre Company's production of 'The Lost Thing'. Based on the book by Shaun Tan, 'The Lost Thing' premiered at the National Gallery of Australia in October 2005 as the main event of their Children's Festival. It has since featured at the Sydney Festival in January 2005, and returns to Canberra for more shows at the Canberra Theatre Centre in March. Among the puppets we made were several versions of the Lost Thing itself (the main one being 2.5 metres tall) and the boys, the boy's couch-potato parents, a cat, a dog, tentacles, a miniature tram, and numerous other whimsical creatures. Richard Jeziorny was the designer.
Designs © 2004 Richard Jeziorny

The Lost Thing after its first coat of paint. It was constructed by stretching PE30 foam over an aluminium shell, and then covering that with muslin.
Here are other pictures presented as links. They first appeared in the following entries at my Spirits Dancing weblog:
Making puppets for The Lost Thing
More Lost Thing puppet pictures
The Lost Thing :: Imogen Keen covering the basic structure with foam
The Lost Thing :: Marie-Martine Ferrari (co-founder of the original Skylark Puppet and Mask Theatre) and I covering the foam shell with muslin.
The Lost Thing :: from above, aluminium framework inside.
Small Lost Thing :: about 70cm tall, made by Imogen
The parents :: about 80cm tall on their sofa
The mysterious janitor :: in an early stage of being made.
The janitor :: finished, about 70cm tall
The cat :: carved out of foam, and sitting on a doily on a beanie!
The booth lady :: made by Imogen
The seagulls
The tram :: about 40cm long, interchangeable cut-outs of people inside
The tram :: top detail
The boys :: Pete and Shaun are 35cm tall, and the little version Shaun is 25cm. Made by Imogen
Shaping the utopia lost things out of polystyrene, and painting them in the sunshine :: Imogen Keen, Catherine Prosser & Hilary Talbot
Utopia lost things :: carved but not finished, they range in size from about 40cm across (the rower) to 150cm tall (the eye)
Utopia lost things :: finished
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