The tea towel chook (dead and plucked!)
Mar 11th, 2005 by
My friend Louise told me how to make this folded tea towel chicken; thanks Louise!
‘Lay a tea towel flat on the table, with the short sides at top and
bottom. Roll the top side down, stopping at the middle, then roll the bottom side up to touch. Fold the left side over on top of the right. Grasp each of the four corners from the middle of their rolls, then holding the two top in one hand and the two bottom in the other, pull it out.’

i have told this version of the story for years, its a bit long winded but fun.
One day henry the hedgehog decided to go to the pub, so he went to ask his friend chook the chicken, Chook said that he didn’t like the main road that they had to cross to get there, Henry promised to help him across and chook agreed, When they got there Chook was very nervous, Henry explained that he’d cross first , then look both left and right wait for it to be all clear and then when he says “go” Chook has to run fast across the road. Oncxe henry was across the road, he waited for it to be clear and shouted out to chook “go”, Chook was very nervous, this caused him to hesitate, He then ran into the road and a large truck ran straight over Chook “SPLAT” **lay towel flat on floor**. Henry Ran over and cried “oh no poor chook what have i done?” a passer by stopped and suggested that Henry take chook to the vets round the corner. so they roll him up ** roll up towel**. and take him to the vets, The vet checks his heart ** pretend to put stephoscope on chook** and says that he can hear a heart beat, he then says “i can see a leg” ** pull out leg** and another leg **pull out other leg** and a wing **puul out wing* and the other wing *pull out last wing*. Henery looks pleased and askes the vet “will chook be ok?” the vet shakes his head and says ” i don’t think he’s gonna make it” Henry replies “oh no what am i gonna do?” The vet holds up chook ** open out chicken towel and hold it up ** and says “i suggest you take him home and put him for dinner*
LOL! Thanks so much, Muppet!
omg that is soooo funny thanx i need it for my forum at school!!!!
Thanks Muppet! My husband used to tell this on his mission and was trying to remember it the other day, I told him I’d find it- thanx again!
Great post and activity. Who knew you could have so much fun with a tea towel?!
lol…a great read.