Puppets in Melbourne interviews Ronnie Burkett


Naomi at Puppets in Melbourne recorded a great interview with the amazing and ever-gracious Canadian master puppeteer Ronnie Burkett a couple of days ago.  There are many nice insights, things such as his pilgrimages to other puppeteers like Norman Hetherington (Mr Squiggle) and the NIDA archive of Peter Scriven‘s work (the Tintookies); that knowledge about scaling in making and costuming puppets is a skill that takes a long time to learn;  that his experiments with paper mache recipes continue, superseding Papier Mache Rediscovered by many years.

Ronnie and his Theatre of Marionettes is touring Australia at the moment with his new show Billy Twinkle: Requiem for a Golden Boy. Don’t miss him – he is at The Arts Centre, Melbourne, until 20 September, then at the Sydney Opera House from 1 -17 October.


Temp tattoos make cool animal hand puppets


What a great idea! Spanish designer Héctor Serrano has designed these beautiful temporary tattoos that make hands into monster and animal puppets. You can buy them through the gifts company Worldwide. (via Dezeen – funny range of comments there!)





Save the VCA and its puppetry course

Those of you interested in the arts in Australia will likely know that the Victorian College of the Arts in Melbourne was earlier in the year merged with Melbourne University. The college gave practical training in the arts, and included a post graduate puppetry course, the only school of its type in the Southern Hemisphere. The puppetry course has been suspended, many staff have lost their jobs, and the practical elements of courses are being cut back. You can read up on the back ground of the merger at Save the VCA.

Today organisers are hoping for a big turnout to protest these changes. Here are the details:

Friday 21st of August,10am

VCA Campus at 10am.
234 St Kilda Rd, Southbank
Featuring live performances and speeches from prominent industry figures, featuring Julia Zemiro (Rockwiz).

Show your support and march down Swanston St, along Collins St to Parliament. Final speeches, featuring John Micheal Howson (Shout).

When I first started making puppets in about 1995, I had the great fortune to be taken on and coached by Company Skylark and their new artistic director, Peter J. Wilson. Peter is not only a brilliant puppeteer; he also had a vision for setting up professional puppetry training to support development of  a vibrant puppetry artform in Australia. He went on to achieve this in setting up the puppetry course at the VCA.  I admired that, and feel sadness over the loss of the course somewhat personally, too, for that reason.

Over the last seven or so years the puppetry course has produced innovative work and graduates, supporting that wider idea of puppetry as artform, where it belongs. And of course this has benefited both the arts and wider community. Ironically, while merger discussions revolve around budgets and money, and draw in the question of funding for the arts in general, the puppetry course itself had managed to bring in outside money consistently since its inception with the patronage of the Cattermole family.

Fail whale squirrelized

Image removed on 11 November 2014 on receipt of copyright infringement notice from Getty Images. My apologies, this was completely unintentional.

A bit of nonsense, made with the Squirrelizer!  (apropo the photo crashing squirrel).

Should the real time web be able to forget?

In The Flow Past Web Kevin Marks suggests that it’s important that our understanding of the time horizon around the real time web takes in both the flow of real time web streams and their past, the history in those flows.

Our lives in the real world are made up of real time flows around our senses – verbal, activity, visual, aural flows. When we experience them, we only remember some of them. Probably most of them are forgotten; those we do remember are unconsciously synthesized into memory, in what Roger Schank in Tell me a Story: Narrative and Intellegence calls story skeletons or gists. These can be retrieved later if needed, if they are stored in our memory with enough indices that we can find the appropriate one for the occasion.

In commentary about the real time web there seems to be a natural underlying feeling that the closer the real time web gets to replicating real life communication the better. On that assumption then, and drawing the two ideas above together, I’ve been wondering about how, or if, the real time web should be able to forget.

It’s fairly easy to see that search fulfills the remembering aspect in the analogy. If content on the the web is tagged with enough indices, like our brain subconsciously tags experiences, then information we or others need can be retrieved by search engines. This fits in with the insistence – Scoble‘s evangalising of FriendFeed for its advanced search (now to become Facebook’s) comes to mind – that real time services are much more valuable if their history can be comprehensively searched.

But what about forgetting? In real life forgetting is a way of filtering out what is not important, or that which we don’t care to remember. We act on the assumption that much of what we say and do will not be remembered either by us or others. Forgetting seems to me to be both a filter to enable us to remember what is important, and a kind of safety valve. Our heads would likely burst if we were able to search and remember everything.

What we broadcast online is also subject to our normal subconscious forgetting: we forget a lot of what we put online over time, and we can assume our readers forget what we have done too, if it’s not particularly important. We can also be active in forgetting, in the sense that the web is fluid and we can revise, update and delete, as long as we have control over our own data.

On the static web, outdated versions of pages slip away easily.  Doc Searls recently made the point in Because advertising encourages Altzheimer’s that traditional search could, but doesn’t, favour archiving of the sort that enables delving into past versions of what has been online, because it is geared towards advertising not research. On the live web, Scott Rosenberg points out that blogs are potent because they are good at both modes of flow and past, in updates and archives. These are both in our control.-

In real time flow services we can delete or hide individual updates (but only to a certain extent), whole accounts, or choose to make our accounts private. However, we don’t yet have the open unwalled services that would give us the same control over remembering and forgetting conversations that we can have with static web pages and blogs.

But moving back to the more metaphysical questions about remembering, forgetting and the real time flow, in The Real Time Search Dilemma: Consciousness Versus Memory Erick Schonfeld says:

If real time data streams are akin to the living consciousness of the Web, how do you search them? How do you search consciousness? It is not the same as searching memory, which is what Google does when it looks at its indexed archive of the Web and how those pieces of information build up authority over time. The real time search dilemma centers precisely around how to rank results, and how to resolve the tension between recency and relevancy….

Can you search consciousness, or can you only watch it pass by?… But it is clear that in order to make sense of the stream, it needs to be ranked by order of importance as well as by time.

He attributes his thoughts to a conversation with Edo Segal:

“Real time taps into consciousness,” says Segal, “search taps into memory. That is why it so potent. You experience the world in real time.”

Segal gives a deeper explanation in the comments, describing real time search as a leap in our evolution:

Imagine that every public discussion, post, video, event, are all being analyzed at once by an intelligent system, an evolving AI, take a god’s eye view, think of the opportunities. Its not about getting an alert for a stock you follow or a blog post, its about connecting to humanities collective consciousness as these technologies manifest as a real world vibrant avatar of us all.

I’ve been musing about a kind of noosphere like this for some months now, one without religious connotations. If we are implementing platforms and feeding services on the web that approach mimicking functions of the brain,  are we building a world-fed brain-like sphere of knowledge?

Schank relates intelligence to telling and listening to our everyday stories*,  “the process of creating the story also creates the memory structure that will contain the gist of the story for the rest of our lives. Talking is remembering”.  We are defined by the stories we tell. What we don’t tell is forgotten, what is only told seldom is usually forgotten over time, and what we tell over and over is remembered more, but is subject to embroidery and selected emphasis for different effects and audiences, so that truth is at best ephemeral.

If the impetus on the web is for real time flows to be like spontaneous real life conversations – telling stories – and their past is an important dimension too, and can be stored with indices and able to be searched like memory, then the analogy suggests the system itself probably needs to be able to forget, too, and only remember the things that get told with frequency over time. I guess an alternative view is that if the system can remember and retrieve more than people can, it is an advantage, just like Google can be seen as an extension to memory, a kind of Harry Potter pensieve. I’m not sure; I think I’d prefer a system where real time conversations are forgotten unless actively remembered.

*Incidentally, I think this is the secret to why Twitter and microblogging works, but that is for another post.

Shadow puppets for Jigsaw’s Wendy


These are some of the shadow puppets I made recently for Jigsaw Theatre Company’s production of Wendy, a new musical re-imagining of J M Barrie’s Peter Pan. These and others can be seen in more detail in my portfolio set. The play had a public season at the Street Theatre and performances in schools, and received a good review in the Canberra Times.

One of the Peter Pan puppets is above. There were two crocodiles. This big one needed a handle as well as the jaw rod.


This is John flying and some set elements for the flying sequence.


Unfortunately I didn’t get photos of the puppets in action,  because they look so much more attractive and bright on screen. The only screen shot I have is this blurry one of the Marauders Rock mermaid scene, taken without proper lighting behind. I like the water in particular.

mermaid shadow puppet scene

Another change

Unima Australia is the Australian branch of Union Internationale de la Marionnette, an 80 year old international organisation bringing together people from around the world to contribute to the development of the art of puppetry, so kind of like the closest thing we puppet makers and puppeteers have to a union. For the last six years or so I’ve looked after the Unima Oz website, but last weekend I handed the job over to Naomi Guss. There are plans afoot to reinvent the site, which is a Good Thing, and I wish Naomi and Sean Manners, and the rest of the committee all the best with it.

Naomi recently blogged her visit to the National Puppetry Festival in Atlanta, Georgia. It makes interesting reading for those of us who were not able to go.

Changes in my news reading

A month or two ago I started an experiment to see if could keep up with the news just by following links from my Twitter updates, instead of scrolling through the sea of crap on the front pages of online papers like the Age, SMH and others. I’m happy to say it’s been an easy transition, and today I took it a step further by changing my bookmarks for those two newspapers to their opinion sections.

Fantastic Mr. Fox trailer

The trailer for Fantastic Mr Fox. Hmmm.  I wish the animals didn’t have such people-like figures.

Previously: Fantastic Mr. Fox movie: first glimpse of puppets.