Roadside teddies at Bungendore

Roadside bunny

Just out of Canberra on the Kings Highway to the coast, especially on the part between Queanbeyan and Bungendore, there are lots of teddies and other soft toys nailed and tied to trees. Often they are quite high up, and some of them have been there for some years. Its easy to drive along and not see most of them, unless you are particularly on the lookout. I’ve heard there are some down near Moruya, too.

Roadside soft toys

It’s curious, and although there a few theories around, no-one really seems to know why they are put there or who puts them there.

I find them interesting and quite thought provoking, and I would like someday to photograph more of them. Overall I find them rather sad and poignant, as teddies should be loved and cuddled, not tortured and abandoned to the elements. Do the nastier teddies on the market deserve this, or should I remember that for the most part kids can imbue even a mere cloth or stone with character and lovableness? Is there a war going on in teddy land? Are these teddies free in spirit even if their bodies are nailed to one place? I also like that it is unexplained, and that the number is growing gradually, an silent unordered social activity. And I am interested in the weathering patterns and process on the teddies, and how it changes their character.

Roadside soft toy

Roadside teddy

Roadside teddies

More in my photoset at Flickr. LaRuth also has a couple more.

Green things


I’m taken with this lovely leaf logo which belongs to a new green blog Earth2Tech (a new part of the GigaOm blog network) which will focus on the business side of green and clean technology.

And check out the cool Power of Wind ad produced by Nordpol+ Hamburg for EPURON, a renewable energy company based in Germany.

(via Laughing Squid)

Peppa Pig theatricals


Sweet images from Peppa Pig on ABC kids tv yesterday. Peppa and her brother and cousins made some puppets and put on a show for their parents. It’s a made for preschoolers, and I thought it hit the mark very well with skillful scripting and attractively clear images.




Dragon is a beautiful animation ad made for United Airlines. It’s made using paper cut-out stop-motion puppets, and you can see the process and team, lead by director, Jamie Caliri, in The Making of Dragon. Caliri also directed the ending animation for Lemony Snicket.

(via Lines and Colours)

Keeping busy

Knitting squares

While my foot is in a cast I’ve picked up an old knitting project, continuing knitting squares for a blanket. I’ve done about 6 new ones, and I’m up to about 42 squares.

I’ve watched a motley collection of DVDs:

Casino Royale – a complete waste of time, apart from the animation at the beginning which was great – loved the way it played with pattern and card imagery.
Happy Feet – good animation, but crap illogical storyline
Cars – hackneyed if worthy themes, but cool and inventive concepts and animation
Robots – hackneyed if worthy themes, but cool and inventive concepts and animation. Loved all the mechanical ideas.
HP: Goblet of Fire – enjoyable, but so much missing
Starskey and Hutch – thoroughly enjoyable crap – loved it, much to my surprise
Jindabyne – an uncomfortable but really good film; sustained creepiness; feminist, though that opinion might seem odd. My haunting image is of the hooked trout, about to become the mens’ trophy, powerless and taking its final slow gasps and flaps.

And motley reading? I’ve just finished re-reading all 6 of the Harry Potter books. And Bryce Courtney’s The Potato Factory which I enjoyed though it’s not great in any sense. And an old Donna Leon. Now I’m on to The Poisonwood Bible. But I expect to go back to Harry when I get my turn with the new one next week.



This lovely creature was made by Maria Gurevich, one of the team at FurryPuppet, who make cool one-of-a kind custom puppets, art dolls and mascots. You can see them all in the gallery section, and also keep up to date with their creations on their blog.

Countering the swindle


(Illustration credit: Ian Sharpe, Canberra Times)

Michael had an opinion piece about the Great Global Warming Swindle film published in the Canberra Times.

CSIROpod also has a podcast interview with him; here is a direct link.


Fear that if you were at Hogwarts you would be in Hufflepuff.

I’m deep into re-reading all the Harry Potters, enjoying them.