Back again

Puppets by Axel Axelrad

I’ve been back a few days now, and finding it a bit hard to get my head around where to start in relating the great experience that was the National Puppetry Summit. Firstly, perhaps, a thank you and congratulations to Annie Forbes, the Summit Director and Artistic Director of Terrapin Puppet Theatre in Hobart, and all her team that orgainised it all. I hope you are all kicking back a little now it is all over!

The Summit was held in the Salamanca Arts Centre, and there were some puppets on display in the foyer. I don’t know the makers and shows they all came from, but someone told me the ones above were made by Axel Axelrad, the maker of Ossie Ostrich, and that they were never used, because the company they were made for folded before the production went on stage. Possibly this was the demise of the Tasmanian Puppet Theatre in 1980?

(My attendence at the puppetry summit was supported by the ACT Government)

2nd National Puppetry Summit, June 9 – 12, 2006

Tomorrow I’m heading down to Hobart in Tasmania for the 2nd National Puppetry Summit. It’s hosted by Terrapin Puppet Theatre. I’m excited to be going, as I really enjoyed the first one four years ago in Melbourne, and it will be cool to catch up in person with other people in the puppetry community, and what they are doing. Sometimes it feels quite isolated in Canberra. There’s lots on offer in the program. I’m being supported by the ACT Government, through a travel grant.

I’m also going to be taking a short holiday in Tassie for a few days afterwards. I’m also excited about that, since I haven’t been there before.

Robotic, puppet and tape giraffes!


Andrew at PuppetVision (now here) kindly told me about Make’s report on this huge robotic Electric Giraffe, aka Rave Raffe, a walking vehicle built by Lindsay Lawlor. It’s design follows the mechanism of a toy Tamiya giraffe:

The front and back legs opposite each other step ahead at the same time, propelled by an electric motor. When those legs land, hydraulic brakes lock the wheeled feet, and the other two legs take a step. Canting from side to side, Raffe lumbers ahead at about a mile an hour. A propane engine runs only to recharge the batteries, so the beast is quiet and efficient. When Lawlor let Raffe shuffle off alone in the desert, it walked for eight hours.
Popular Science

You can follow the building process through to it’s completion in time for Burning Man 2005, when it fulfilled Lawlor’s original purpose, to see Burning Man from a height. The giraffe has done various gigs since then, most recently appearing at Maker Faire. (Still going 2014) Plans are now to add ‘computer-controlled flashing giraffe spots, an electroluminescent circulatory system and a gas grill’. :-)

Some other giraffes of note:

Beck: Live in PuppeTron

Like Jose, I’ve been interested in the puppets that formed part of Beck‘s concert at the the Sasquatch Festival in Royal Gorge, Washington on Memorial Day. Previously, they had appeared at the Fillmore in San Francisco, and in Davis (there is an itinerary there). According to the SFGate Culture Blog, Beck hired the puppeteers from Team America to travel with him and perform the real-time marionette puppet show of the band on the stage directly behind the real band, with the results shown on huge video screens. There are some cool Flickr photos.

Oh and Jose, I found another video.

Updated links 2015

Merma Never Dies


Last weekend the Tate Modern in London hosted a new production of Mori el Merma, which was first performed in 1978, and emerged out of a collaboration between the surrealist painter Joan Miró and La Claca, an experimental theatre troupe from Barcelona, headed by Joan Baixas. In the new revision,

‘… Joan Baixas evokes the critical spirit of Mori el Merma and recovers Miró’s original idea to make a street parade in the Catalonian tradition. Baixas’s work insists on the idea of the absurdity of power, the abuses of the tyrant and the impertinences of dictators, themes which are ever present and must be critised and

‘The puppets are replicas made under supervision and control of the Succesió Miró SL and range from giants with the heads of monsters, grotesque torsos and six-foot-long arms to creatures that whisper and
squeal as if Miró’s free-form shapes had to leapt to life.’

In an article in the Guardian, Baixas comments that the play has been retitled Merma Never Dies, because almost 30 years later, Merma is alive and well:

‘The name is unimportant because, unfortunately, there are many Mermas now. In recent years we have seen leaders who wage wars with lies and who play games with democracy. The least we can do is laugh at them.’

I’ve come across the following accounts and photos of the performance and parade. It looks pretty bizarre!

Cronicas desde Londres: photos and video
Yahoo News collection of photos
No-necked Monster’s photos and video

Welfare State International comes to an end

John Fox, the artistic director of the renowned celebratory street theatre company, Welfare State International – ‘eyes on stalks, not bums on seats” – explains how bureacracy kills the creative spirit, and why he is going solo.

‘The final straw? The ‘hot work’ permit for a bonfire in a field.
Had we swept the floor, and were the overhead sprinklers working?’

Welfare State came to an end on April Fools’ Day this year, after 38 years.

Some thoughts on the miners’ interview

I watched the Ch. 9 interview with the two rescued Beaconsfield miners on Sunday night, and far from being bored, was quite fascinated. Some thoughts:

I was rather touched to watch how they were still taking care of each other. If one was struggling to keep his emotions in check, the other stepped in to relate something funny, or change tack, or give a reassuring touch, while he gathered himself together.

There was not one mention of god or praying. Their spiritual sustinance had been thoughts of their families and taking care of each other. I wonder if this secular aspect would be allowed to persist in a Hollywood version of their story.

These big boofy guys were wonderfully resilient and resourceful. They had good sense and medical knowledge and used them. One was less articulate than the other, but as someone here said, he pegged out the four corners of what he wanted to say, and left you to fill in the middle. I liked that description.

Channel 9 were really lazy. Their editing was sloppy, and they used an old graphic of the men’s position, obviously from a few weeks ago, presumably because they hadn’t been bothered to do a new one with the info the men provided. But I was glad the interviewer for the most part just let them talk without much interuption.

Robot family


Mimi has added three new robots to her robot family. Some are more like pillows, while others, like this guy, are fully articulated, but they are all really cool.

Pink shoes

Pink shoes

Some large pink snake-skin shoes I made recently for Jigsaw Theatre Company’s production Little Brother Big Sister, design by Imogen Keen. I had fun with the curly thing at the back.