
New blogs in the puppetry directory

I’ve added some more blogs to the puppetry directory over in my sidebar there. It’s getting to be quite a list now, and I think I still have a few to add. You will also notice that, thanks to the guys at Grazr, you can now launch the program in a new window and expand it, so it becomes easier to read, and choose between the slider view or an outline view.


Jose at Titereblog has followed up his puppetry search engine with Puppetsfeed, a site where feeds about puppets and puppetry are being collected and listed. It’s a great idea, and it looks attractive, too. I’m enjoying the feeling that another person on the other side of the world is thinking in similar ways about using new technologies to share these things. I’m beginning to think I will have to learn Spanish, Jose! – it’s wonderful that you do so much in English.

I’ve also recently come across Jose’s Directorio de compañías y espectáculos de marionetas. Am I right that this is a directory of puppetry theatre companies in the Spanish-speaking world, Jose? I’m not sure if I should list it in Spanish or English in my OPML directory that’s running in the sidebar. Which would you like?

Updated links 2015

Puppetry Worldview directory

I’ve been fiddling around making an OPML directory of online puppet links. I’m just feeling my way, and at the moment I don’t know how selective I want to be or how far I want to take it. It may turn out to be not very far, though it does have the capacity to include other people’s lists through distributed data entry. You can see it in my sidebar over there on the right. Try clicking all the way through on the blogs and Aussie websites; those are the ones I have been concentrating on.

Thanks to Dave Winer (OPML, OPML Editor) and Mike Kowalchik (Grazr).

Updated 2015.