Update: I’ve posted a lot about Royal de Luxe and it’s influence since this post. Click here to go to search links to all those posts.
Update 2015 – removed and struck out some broken links
I’m blown away by the French street theatre company Royal de Luxe’s amazing street parade, ‘The Visit of the Sultan of India Atop His Time-Travelling Elephant’, which took place in Nantes last week, in honour of the centenary of Jules Verne’s death. A rocket landed just outside the cathedral in place Saint Pierre, and from it a young giantess emerged. Together with the Sultan’s huge 11 metre tall elephant with a house built into its back, she explored the streets of Nantes, taking time to eat an icecream, ride a scooter, take a shower and nap, be lifted up onto the elephant’s trunk, and eventually to return to take off in her rocket again.

I’ve been collecting links! If you are short on time go to the ones with asterisks. (edited Oct 2014 to remove defunct del-icio.us link).
The Sultan’s Elephant in Antwerp (added 8 July 2006)
The Sultan’s Elephant in London (added 21 Apr 2006)
Nantes official site (in French):
Other photo galleries:
At Flickr:
Blog entries:
- dirty beloved: great links about the company; thanks Ajax! I’ve included most but not all of them here
- jzw:1, 2 (include accounts by Ian Flanigan)*

About Royal de Luxe:About Royal de Luxe (French sites):
- VTi:
A Short Introduction
- Royal de Luxe – not an official site, but pretty comprehensive – history, links to photos and reviews (thanks for the image above)* (updated link 2 June 2006)
- Royal de Luxe
- French Wikipedia entry
1995-2002 – Karen Maldonado
Interview with Jean-Luc Courcoult, director (in Spanish)
Interview with Jean-Luc Courcoult, dirctor (pdf in English)
- BBC Royal de Luxe photo gallery, from older productions (added 6 May 2006)
Royal de luxe at Wikipedia (added July 2007)
Machines of Spectacle
Machines of Spectacle exhibition
‘Hunters of the Giraffes’ photo galleries:
‘The Giant’
Catamini Attraction
Royal de Luxe poster for sale (image on the right)
Tour dates:
- Nantes (France) – 22, 23, 24, 25 May. Debut.
- Amiens (France) – 16, 17, 18, 19 June
- La Havre – mid July (didn’t happen as far as I know)
- London (UK) – 8, 9, 10, 11 September. (I think this did not happen because of the London bombings)
2006: (only London confirmed as far as I know)
- London (UK) – 5, 6, 7, 8 May. See here for official website coverage.
- Antwerp (Belgium) – 6, 7, 8, 9 July
- Calais (France) – 28, 29, 30 Sept & 1 Oct
- La Havre (France) – 26, 27, 28, 29 Oct
- Paris, Bilbao, Marseilles, Valance possible