
Wayang Obama

(photo credit: Kompas/Ferganata Indra Riatmoka)

Indonesian master puppet maker Ki Ledjar Subroto has made colourful wayang puppets of President Obama, his family and dog, which will be given to him by his relatives when he visits Indonesia.  Some of the process of making the puppets from hide is shown here.

Motion capture


I’m pretty happy with my experiment of streaming FriendFeed here in my sidebar.  It’s almost like a secondary blog because it is a way of noting and sharing stuff that interests or amuses me, but that I know I won’t get around to blogging. I wonder if the way these services enable including image and video thumbnails will further blow out the notion of tight copyright.



I’ve watched the story of Shepard Fairey’s Obama poster unfold right from the beginning, about a year ago. The design is so good, and it’s wonderfully appropriate in the circumstances that a street art design has become iconic and so appreciated that it has become mainstream. Now you can obamify yourself at Obamicon.Me.  It’d be fun if everyone adopted one of these as their avatar at Twitter and other places on inauguration day to celebrate.

Obama banner

Modeling elections?

Listening to the opinion going round and around entrenched positions about whether Hillary Clinton would make a good VP, and whether she and Obama individually would come at a joint ticket, has made me wonder again about the role personality type plays in politics and the way people vote.

I’ve never been officially Myers-Brugged, but when I’ve done the tests online I consistently come out as INFJ, with the J being borderline; an Idealist/Councilor-borderline-Healer in the Keirsey descriptions. I notice and admire that INFP’s (I am close to a number of them, though they are rare!) step up more quickly to look for a negotiated way of getting to a desired bigger picture position. For instance, my instinct is that Clinton has done too much that is the antithesis of what Obama is driving at for it to be right for Obama to accept her as a running mate. But Amy is trying to get past the discomfort by framing the ticket as a coalition of separate minority parties, if it will get Obama into office. It’s a little like those woven tube finger traps: pull from opposite positions and you are stuck, give a little and you can get out.

There have been studies that suggest that personality type plays a part in political affiliation. Taking that idea further, if you can break a population down into personality types by percentage, and forecast what attitudes are likely to be taken by each type and how they might vote on different candidates and the range of issues on the table, perhaps it would be possible to model an election outcome? It would save a lot of money and shenanigans. Would you be able to build in nimble-enough responses to unexpected events and happenstances such as the perfect storm of 9/11 and Tampa that Howard finessed to give him the 2001 Australian election; or alternatively would it provide a protection against such occurrences? What about rigging? And is it likely we would be happy to accept the underlying idea of determinism, and the missing drama and excitement of the election trail?

Felt Obama finger puppet


Following on from yesterday’s post about candidate finger puppets made from card, Abbey Hambright has felt finger puppets of Obama for sale.

Fold US candidates


FoldUScandidate has patterns for card finger puppets of the three US candidates. You print from a pdf and the assemble as shown. Check out the videos and photos that some people have submitted of their puppets.


My friend Amy has made a couple of widgets for Obama supporters. If you are a supporter, why not add them to your sidebar or FaceBook page. (Details for embedding are here:Countdown; Pwned)