

TiddlyWiki, a ‘reusable non-linear personal web notebook‘, looks as if it offers lots of interesting possibilities. I’d like to try it out when I have some spare time.

(via Doc Searls)

Happy 10th to Scripting News


Sending a wave to Dave Winer today as Scripting News celebrates it’s tenth birthday – congratulations, Dave, and thank you for all you have done for the medium! We carry our essential selves into the blogosphere, so it is a medium that has all the same challenges as the real world; but I love it and believe it can empower and enrich us and our society.

Titereblog’s cool puppetry search engine

Jose at titereblog has built a specialized puppetry search engine using Swiki. How cool is that! Thanks for the link to my puppetry links at (edited Oct 2014 – link now defunct), too, Jose.

I’ve just realized that my favourite puppetry blogs like titereblog and PuppetVision weren’t in my pages, because I am subscribed to their feeds, and read their posts as a matter of course. So I’ve added them now, and will try to add the other puppetry blogs I read as well. I’ve been meaning to make a proper list of them in my sidebar, too. Should get around to doing that.