Amalfi coast

Odds and ends


Here are a few random images. One of the things I like best about wandering around the towns in every place we’ve been is finding the pathways, steps and areas where everyday life is going on. This pathway above, in such an area between Atrani and Amalfi, was wonderfully narrow!

There were many places selling ceramics, but at this one in Ravello we bought a beautiful bowl and plate. We also had a nice conversation with the people running it, who were telling us about how difficult it was now under new government regulations on small business to employ enough people in their factory. It was a nice glimpse into their life.


There are lots of small religious markers such as this in numerous places we’ve been, but I just really like this as a photo.


There were lots of these beautiful bright-green-backed lizards wherever we walked. I guess they are skinks of some sort? They would be sunning themselves on walls or stones and flick back into the greenery too quickly for me to take a photo. I spent too much time trying!


Decorative wall ceramics in Amalfi


Here are some of the decorative wall ceramics in the towns of the Amalfi coast. The photo above is a favourite, of a lovely ceramic on an abandoned factory wall on our walk from Ravello to Atrani and Amalfi, through the Valle del Dragone. The following ones were in Amalfi itself.


A modern abstract one:


The story of making bread:


Outside a fishmonger’s shop:


Another favourite – a religious procession:
