one web day

Smile on your bother: OneWebDay


OneWebDay, 22 September, is a global celebration of online life. I was hoping to make a couple of big puppets or sculptures for the day, but I have three current work projects that all culminate at exactly that time, so I am not sure if I will get anything together in time to use offline on the day. I do have some images (see below instead) up of what I have had in mind, and have been working on. This kind of brings together my appreciation of the blogging medium and Dave Winer‘s role in developing it, and the richness I feel from being able to see what friends, puppet builders, crafters, street artists and puppeteers are doing around the world. (Thanks to Amy for the post title – it’s perfect!)

Perhaps puppeteers could pick up the idea and put on a show in their town on the day? Perhaps something similar to Project Puppet‘s Glorified Sock Puppet Contest could be run in honour of OneWebDay? Perhaps Swazzle‘s Sean Johnson could encourage his peas to send a special greeting, or other puppeteers record a video message with their puppets? Perhaps, Kath, WhipUp could prompt crafters to become enthused in some way? It’s probably ripe ground for Extreme Crafters, too. And artist trading cards. And so on… Perhaps there are bloggers here in Canberra who have some ideas for the day?


Updated links 2015